I can hardly
wait for this thing to start....
Okay David let's drug the food... no one will be the wiser...
Sssssshhhhhh...utup.... I'm peeing in the fish-chowder!
Game On man... GAME ON!!!
This will be like taking candy from a baby... heh,heh
Greg in the lead with seconds to go...
I'm so proud of you Peter.... I think I'll have another bowl
of Chowder!
It's nose pickin' time...
Yes dear... yes dear... yes dear! Okay dear... yes dear, yes
Awwwww.... It's dat cute baby... Katherine Elizabeth
New Blood!
That's right Robert have another beer... ha ha ha ha...
This is fabulous... better even than getting hit by lightning...
One of the many casualties... a fallen angel!
Two old fools... err.. I mean foes!
What's brighter the light or the top of dave's head?
Hey Darrel this chowder tastes great... what's in it? You tell
em Dave!
A pause in the action... whose turn is it???
Watch and learn boy... watch and learn....
Open this->
Puttin' on the foil...
Lookin' for help anywhere he can find it... last year's champ
with EA
Dawn waiting for the action fun packed afternoon to end...
Pete getting advice from his old friend the pole...
I really don't see what the attraction to this stupid game is...
Can things possibly get any worse?
This is it man... the final game! Why are grown men playing
in my basement?
Just think Dave this could have been yours!
Let me bask in the warm glow of victory... and the light bulb
A parting shot... I just couldn't help it Red... the devil
(Peter) made me do it heh,heh!
The two finalists in the 2002 Beaton Open. Prediction: Cup
Leaves Ottawa!!
As you can clearly see the trophy is closest to Kenny... he has his eye on
it... he can smell it!
And the sun sets on yet another Beaton Open... but already ambitious minds are thinking... "Next year man... Next year is my year!"